Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Megan and Alex

Alex, Aliyah, Lauren and Zach


The night before Diane (Dan's Sister) came to visit with her 3 kids, Dan called to warn her that a monsterous gastric plague small stomach bug had been going around our house, but assured her that it had run it's course.

My oh my were we lying mistaken!! I woke up Saturday morning feeling a bit queasy, but still ok enough to make the trip into Boston for a day at the museum. It was a fun day with lots of discovery...did you know that an automatic toilet flushes itself continuously when a vomiting head hovers over it? Quite a nice feature if you ask me. It's a shame the rest stops along the highway from here to PA didn't have them when Diane and her 3 very sick kids made their way home!!

A few days later, we tried to call Diane and make excuses to avoid blame apologize, but she seemed a little put off. I know, we thought it was weird to.

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